Sunday, May 23, 2010

What should I do about the witch?

Sorry that I haven't updated this blog in a while. I'm in the process of purchasing a new home, so I've been fairly distracted this past week. I hope to have everything sorted out within the next few days, so hopefully I'll be able to resume my postings. (And trust me, I have tons of photos, links and items to share.)

In the meantime, I need some advice. If we move to the new home, I'm not sure I can bring the witch. (Read more about her here) She's big and beautiful, but there wouldn't necessarily be a proper place to display her. I could sit her on the ground, but that might look weird. So...

If I decide to get rid of her, do you think I could find her a good home? Do you think there are any yard haunters reasonably close to NJ that would want her?


  1. Man, I see tons of Haunters from NJ/PA on Hauntforum. You should post about your witch on the forum. Somebody will probably answer pretty quickly I would imagine. I would love to have her, but kind of hard when I'm way down here in Texas.

  2. Say it ain't so, Bones! Has to be some way to make her work at the new place. Some kind of prop wall that she could be looming up from behind maybe - w/ evil candy theme? You'd have to support her on something but maybe a small trailer. She was the Halloween Queen of our street and I know everyone will be sad to see her - and of course you and your family go. I'm sure you'll figure something out and look forward to an every better haunt at the new place. Best of luck.

  3. Oh no! I hope that if you do have to, you can find her a good haunted home. She is incredible!
