Monday, December 7, 2009

Ventriloquist dummy collection

A couple of thoughts on this collection...
1) I'm pretty sure those figures come alive at night and kill people.
2) Strange that the clown figure looks so much more menacing than the skeleton figure.


  1. I agree! definitely would NOT want to spend a night alone with those guys! still, they are really cool...

  2. AHHHHH! I think that clown has appeared in my nightmares before, though where I may have seen it before is a mystery. I have to say that the group shot doesn't creep me out until I notice the one dummy at the bottom staring at the camera (I think it is supposed to be a lady, but it is tough to say since even some male dummies had red-lipstick painted lips)...she's looking into my soul and smiling about the prospect of consuming it! AHHH!! Though I agree with Pam Morris; they are creepy cool.
