Friday, November 6, 2009

Horror Friends

This is kind of funny. It's a parody of "Friends" starring Michael Meyers, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Hannibal Lecter and OJ Simpson. They did a pretty good job of replicating the show's opening credits where the entire cast inexplicably dances around a fountain.


  1. That's pretty decent. The comedy is a little dry, but I like how they included at least one female horror icon. Come to think of it, there's not many female monsters/slashers in the entire genre.

    I can think of a few: Regan (The Exorcist), Carrie, Creepy Ring girl... Bride of Frankenstein, Ms. Vorhees, Mother (Mother's Day)... Who else is there?

  2. Well, that was something completely different! hahaha
