Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How To Haunt Your House

I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a very grand statement... This is the single greatest book about home haunting I have ever seen. Every project is genius and the photography is gorgeous. And what's even more impressive is the Mitchell's self-published this, so what you're getting was created entirely by them! No publishing powerhouse with an army of editors and designers. Just two people who really know there stuff. (For video tutorials, photo galleries and a free preview of the entire book, click here.)


  1. No, you are not going out on a limb. You are stating the truth. That is an awesome book!! And they are the nicest people!! A must own for any haunter!


  2. I've had this on my Amazon wish list for about a month, debating whether or not to buy it.

    Y'all just sealed the deal!

  3. Yeah, adding my agreement as well. Not like the competition is huge in this area but this book really delivers artistically and from a practical standpoint as well. Wish I had had it years ago. (Thanx again BTW)
