Saturday, October 3, 2009

Haunted houses in miniature

After writing the other day about miniature chairs worthy of any haunted house, I discovered this site that creates a wide variety of haunted furnishings and foods. (Including "eyeball salad, relish tray with eyeballs, celery, tomatoes and lemons; finger tacos; finger-fruit pie and fresh brains. Wash it down with Bloody Marys and a glass of Ruby Eyeball Wine."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention of my spooky minitaures, glad you liked them! I enjoy making haunted stuff. The food items are for sale too if anyone is interested. My next projects, I'm trying to do a witch's greenhouse and a fortune teller scene now.
    Chris Verstraete
    Searching For A Starry Night, A Miniature Art Mystery Friends, a dog, dollhouses and a search for a missing mini Van Gogh!
