Friday, September 25, 2009

Lifesize Hatbox Ghost replica

My friend Richard just brought this to my attention. At the recent D23 Expo (the single largest gathering of all things Disney ever assembled) they auctioned off a one of a kind, lifesize Hatbox Ghost figure. Measuring 5 feet, 3 inches tall the piece went for $9300! To create it, designers Kevin Kidney and Jody Daily had to call on "nearly every skill we've got. Engineering, sculpting, woodworking, metal and plastics construction, painting and sewing. Lots and lots of sewing. His body is plastic and wood armature on a wooden base designed to resemble attic flooring. His cane is reinforced steel, his hairpiece is sewn nylon fiber, and he's covered from head to toe in sheer chiffon fabric held together by miles of my own hand-stitching. The hands, head and feet are molded resin from my original sculpts."
To see more images of this terrific figure (as well as exclusive "making of" shots) visit Kevin & Jody's blog here, here, here and here.


  1. A couple of years ago I saw an article in Country Living magazine about a vintage Halloween collector who had a Hatbox Ghost. I was and still am jealous.

    I'll see if I can find and scan it in.

  2. okay, so i'm not that good. YET. :-P

    srsly, you should have something like that. we could do it. maybe.
